Static Electricity and Forces.
A non contact force occurs when two electricially charged objects are close together.
A non contact force is a force that acts between two objects that are not touching.
If the objects have the same charge, they repel, if they have opposite charges they attract.
Example Question
Explain why the woman’s hair appears to stick onto the ballon.
This is because both her hair and the balloon are electrically charged. The balloon and her have hair have opposite charges, so they both attract.
Practice Questions
1.Use the following picture to help you answer the question:
Explain why the water jet is being deflected by the balloon.
2. State what a non contact force is
3. Describe how the charge density of the static charges would affect the size of the force.
Absorption and Emission of EM Radiation
JJ Thomson and Plum pudding model
Ernest Rutherford and the Nuclear Model
Niels Bohr changing the Nuclear Model
Discovering the Proton and Neutron
Measuring radiation from radioactivity
Radiation types and properties
Random nature of radioactive decay
Radioactive contamination or irradiation
Hazards of contamination and irradiation
Studies on the effects of radiation on humans
Different half lives of radioactive isotopes
Nuclear Fission Chain Reaction
Writing nuclear fission equations
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