Answers to AQA GCSE Radiation types and properties(Physics)

Practice Questions

1.State the names of the four types of radiation that can be emitted from a radioactive source

Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Neutron

2. State the composition of an alpha particle

Helium nucleus, 2 protons and 2 neutrons

3. Why is an alpha particle highly ionising?

It has a relative charge of +2, due to the 2 protons

4. How far can an alpha particle travel in air?

A few cm

5. State the composition of a beta particle

It is an electron

6. How is a beta particle formed

In the nucleus a neutron turns into a proton and a fast moving electron is emitted

7. State the name of a metal which will stop beta particles travelling through it. 


8. Why is gamma considered to be less ionising than alpha or beta?

Gamma does not have a charge. Beta has a -1 charge and Alpha has a +2 charge

9. Which materials can stop gamma radiation?

Thick lead sheet

10. Explain the term ionising. 

Ionising means that the radiation has enough energy to knock electrons off of atoms to form ions. 

11. When radiation is passed through paper the count rate significantly decreases. Suggest the type of radiation present.


12. A radioactive source transmits radiation easily through paper and aluminium, but the count rate decreases through lead. Suggest the type of radiation present


13. State two ways that neutrons can be emitted. 

Neutron emission can occur in nuclear reactors. where neutrons are released through nuclear fission. 

It can also occur when an alpha particle hits a nucleus such as Beryllium-9 making it unstable, so it undergoes decay to form carbon-12 and emits a neutron.

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