Practice Questions
1. Define the term Nuclear Fission
Nuclear fission is the splitting of a large and unstable nucleus.
2.Explain what a chain reaction is and why it occurs
A chain reaction is a self sustaining nuclear reaction. It occurs because each fission reaction will produce 2 or 3 neutrons. These neutrons will go on to cause further fission reactions
3.Describe how a chain reaction is controlled within a nuclear reactor
Boron control rods are inserted into a nuclear reactor to absorb the excess neutrons
4.State the consequence of not controlling a chain reaction
An explosion
Absorption and Emission of EM Radiation
JJ Thomson and Plum pudding model
Ernest Rutherford and the Nuclear Model
Niels Bohr changing the Nuclear Model
Discovering the Proton and Neutron
Measuring radiation from radioactivity
Radiation types and properties
Random nature of radioactive decay
Radioactive contamination or irradiation
Hazards of contamination and irradiation
Studies on the effects of radiation on humans
Different half lives of radioactive isotopes
Nuclear Fission Chain Reaction
Writing nuclear fission equations
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